Not a Gallery 由英國註冊藝術治療師梁靜韻及香港紀錄片導演黃肇邦共同創立。
自 2018 年起,我們致力提供各類型藝術治療服務,提供一對一及小組治療,並為團體設計小組培訓、藝術治療工作坊等。先後與東華三院、明愛、靈實、嶺南大學、香港城市大學、香港演藝學院、油街實現、香港藝術中心等機構合作。
截至 2024 年年頭,已為超過 4,000 位人士提供心理治療服務。
2020 年,我們於灣仔開設 SINCE Concept Store。店舖為香港首間以推廣精神健康及紀錄片為概念的主題選物店。精選書籍和遊戲卡等產品,有助疏導大眾情緒,促進溝通,發掘自我,引發各種思考;同時搜羅世界各地優秀紀錄片,藉紀實故事推動人文關懷精神。門市 2023 年底擴充業務,增加店舖空間,以淺層藝術活動,如 art jam、感恩板創作活動、展覽等方式從社區層面推廣精神健康。
Not a Gallery was co-founded by UK-registered art psychotherapist Leung Ching Wan Gigi and Hong Kong documentary director Wong Siu-pong.
We refrain from conventional definitions of art based on "beauty"/ "ugliness." We believe that artistic creation can bring profound changes into our lives, transcending the creator's background, achievement, or progress in life.
Since 2018, we have been committed to providing a diverse range of art therapy services, including one-on-one and group sessions. We have also tailor-made group training and experiential workshops for various organisations, including Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Caritas, Haven of Hope, Lingnan University, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong Arts Center.
As of early 2024, we have provided psychotherapy services to over 4,000 individuals.
In 2020, we established SINCE Concept Store, the first store in Hong Kong dedicated to promoting mental health and documentaries. Our thoughtfully curated products, such as books and card games, are crafted to act as an emotional outlet, foster communication and self-exploration, as well as inspire reflection. Moreover, we feature excellent documentaries from around the world to promote a humanitarian perspective with real-life narratives. In late 2023, to promote mental wellness in a community setting, we expanded our operation to include a new art space at our store and started providing accessible ways to engage in artistic creation, such as art jamming, gratitude board workshops, exhibitions, etc.
We look forward to meeting you.
梁靜韻畢業於英國倫敦大學皇家金匠學院 (Goldsmiths University of London),獲得藝術心理治療碩士學位。她為英國註冊藝術治療師、英國及香港藝術治療師協會專業會員。
梁靜韻曾在英國特殊學校 (Clarendon SEN School, London) 和婦女精神庇護中心 (London Cyrenians) 擔任藝術治療師,致力幫助不同背景和需求的人。她在當地曾為亞氏保加症、自閉症、過度活躍症等兒童,校園欺凌者及其受害者、以及家暴及性侵倖存者、喪親人士、少數族裔、精神病患者、酗酒人士等提供一對一和藝術治療小組服務。
出版書籍:《噢 !不見了 - 情緒急救包》(2021)、《噢 !分開了 - 離異家庭孩子告白之書》(2023)
Leung Ching Wan, Gigi graduated from Goldsmiths University of London and obtained a Master's degree in Art Psychotherapy. She is a registered Art Therapist in the United Kingdom and a professional member of the British and Hong Kong Art Therapist Associations.
Gigi has worked as an art therapist at Clarendon SEN School, London, and the Women's Mental Health Shelter, London Cyrenians, dedicated to helping individuals from diverse backgrounds with different needs. Locally, she has provided one-on-one and group art therapy services for children with conditions such as Asperger's syndrome, autism, ADHD, victims of bullying, including both the bullies and the bullied, survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, bereaved individuals, ethnic minorities, individuals with mental illnesses, and those struggling with alcoholism.
Publications: The Forgotten OH! - Emotional First Aid Kit (2021), OH! What about me? - Family First Aid Kit (2023)
香港獨立紀錄片導演。首部紀錄長片《子非魚》(2013 年)榮獲FIRST青年電影展「最佳紀錄片獎」及香港亞洲電影節「亞洲新導演獎」提名。第二部紀錄長片《伴生》(2016 年)口碑載道,於香港影院上映近一年。影片榮獲第 23 屆香港電影評論學會大獎「年度推薦電影」,並入選台北電影節、南方影展及新加坡華語電影節。第三部作品《3CM》(2019 年)再次榮獲香港電影評論學會大獎「年度推薦電影」,並入選臺灣國際人權影展。2024 年,他的第四部作品《十方之地》於鹿特丹國際影展作世界首映,並入選香港國際電影節紀錄片競賽角逐「火鳥大獎」。
黄氏曾於鮮浪潮及流動影片節等短片比賽擔任評審,近年積極參與教育工作,先後與采風、西九文化區M+、MaD Asia (創不同)等藝術組織和團體合作,擔任導師和舉行工作坊。現任香港浸會大學客席講師。
Wong Siu-pong is an independent documentary director based in Hong Kong. Supported by CNEX, his first feature-length documentary Fish Story (2013) won Best Documentary at FIRST International Film Festival, and was nominated for the New Talent Award at Hong Kong Asian Film Festival. A word-of-mouth success that screened in Hong Kong cinemas for nearly a year, his second feature-length documentary Snuggle (2016) was awarded as a “Film of Merit” at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards (HKFCSA) and has been screened at Taipei International Film Festival, South Taiwan Film Festival and Singapore Chinese Film Festival.
Wong’s third film 3CM (2019) was again awarded as a “Film of Merit” by HKFCSA and was screened at Taiwan International Human Rights Film Festival. In 2024, Wong's fourth film Obedience had its world premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam, and was nominated for the Firebird Award in the Documentary Competition at Hong Kong International Film Festival.
Wong has served as a jury member at short film festivals, including Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival and Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival. In recent years, he has actively taken up teaching roles, conducting workshops and mentoring in collaboration with art organisations such as Visible Record, M+ at West Kowloon Cultural District, and MaD Asia. Wong is currently a guest lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University.
SINCE Concept Store
灣仔軒尼詩道302-308號集成中心UG6-7號舖 // Shop UG6-7, CC WU Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
Copyright © 2024 SINCE Concept Store — 保留所有權利。